Moving during the holidays can bring about a few benefits, like lowered rental fees and a slower-paced season. Still, it can have its challenges. If you’re moving during the winter holiday season, the weather is a particular point of concern.
Still, if you want to cash in on the advantages of a holiday move, you’ll want to plan. Some of the challenges are easily navigated with just a bit of planning. To help you execute a smooth residential move during a celebration, we’ve included some tips to help you plan your upcoming holiday move.
Budget Ahead with an Early Estimate
You don’t want to try to figure out how to give generously during the holidays and fund your upcoming move. Get ahead of the game by calling your long-distance movers for an estimate several months before your move. That way, you can budget for your move and any gift-giving you plan to do.
Ensure Availability by Scheduling Your Move in Advance
People commonly take time off during the holidays to spend with friends and family. The moving and storage industry is no different in that regard. Schedule it well in advance to ensure your relocation company has the staff needed for your move.
Pack Early
The holidays are filled with parties, gatherings, and gift-buying shopping sprees. Pack early to avoid the stress of tackling all of the social obligations and getting ready for your move. That way, you’re prepared for your move and can still celebrate.
Donate What You’re Not Taking
The holidays are a great time to donate. While packing, you’ll likely find items you no longer use or don’t want to pay a mover to take. Perhaps what you no longer need is just what another family does to complete their celebration.
Hold Off on Seasonal Sales
While holidays are a great opportunity to snag a sweet deal, it might be best to hold off on large items. You don’t want to purchase a new television or piece of exercise equipment just to turn around and have to haul it during a long-distance move.
Pass Your Hosting Duty
Maybe you’ve always been the one to host the celebratory gatherings. If you don’t want to be moving around boxes and dragging out extra seating, this might be the year to let someone else host.
Label Your Decorations
Of course, when you get to your new location, you’ll want to be able to decorate quickly. By labeling the boxes clearly, you ensure you can find all your favorite holiday décors. That way, it’s an easy setup when you get to your new home.
If you’d like a completely hassle-free holiday move, hire an experienced residential mover. Merit Moving Systems has been an industry-leading household mover with more than 60 years of experience. Call for a free quote today.
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