If you’re planning to relocate in the near future, you’re likely wanting to simplify the process as much as possible. Trying to handle your move alone may initially seem like a good idea to keep things streamlined, but in reality, it only causes you more work—and worse, possible injuries
Why is this so?
Moving boxes and furniture takes a lot of physical effort. Just as you wouldn’t lift the heaviest weights in the gym without experience, you shouldn’t try to be a superhero for your home move, either. At Merit Moving Systems, we have a team of California long-distance movers who are specially trained to move items the safe way.
We’d like to share some essential tips we follow when we’re performing a relocation. If you decide to handle part of your move on your own, we suggest you do the same!
Prepare Ahead of Time
Don’t wait until moving day to prepare for loading those boxes in your moving truck. Preparation should begin the night before. Be sure to get to bed early, no matter how excited you are for your move. When you wake up, eat a moderate breakfast that is enough to sustain your energy levels but isn’t heavy enough to slow you down. Go easy on caffeinated beverages like coffee and opt for more hydrating options like water or low-sugar juices.
Clean Up Your Workspace
Clear a path through your home to make sure you have enough space to safely maneuver around. Move those small, unpacked items (like children’s toys) out of the way. Make sure young children and pets are in a safe space as well to keep them (and yourself) protected. Roll up carpets and rugs to prevent slips and secure cords and other loose, dangling pieces like strings and tassels, which can easily be tripped over.
Wear the Right Clothing
Believe it or not, your outfit can go a long way in terms of keeping you safe. Wearing stretchy clothes can help you bend and turn easier, while wearing shoes with a strong grip can keep your feet stable. Don’t go overboard with the loose clothing, though. Too baggy clothing (like long sleeves or overly loose pants) can present trip hazards.
Ease into Movement
It can be tempting to start lifting furniture as soon as possible to get the process rolling. However, it’s a safer approach to do some simple stretches to warm up your muscles. Try a few lunges, neck rolls, shoulder rolls, and gentle twists to ease your body into moving.
Need more help with your move? Call the residential movers in California that you can trust. Merit Moving Systems is here to assist with packing, transportation, logistics, storage, and more! Give us a call or submit our online form. You’ll receive a free, no-obligation quote!
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